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A Self-performing Syndication

A self-performing syndication with CapitalTech as your quarterback involves CapitalTech assisting you in raising debt or equity for your project.

 Here’s a general outline of how it might work:

1. Initial Consultation: You would have an initial consultation with CapitalTech to discuss your project, goals, and financing needs. CapitalTech would assess the feasibility of the project and determine if it fits their criteria for a self-performing syndication.

2. Pre-Engagement Analysis: CapitalTech would conduct a pre-engagement analysis, reviewing the business plan and project proforma to understand the financials and potential returns.

3. Engagement Agreement: If the project meets CapitalTech’s criteria, you would enter into an engagement agreement with CapitalTech outlining the scope of work and fees involved.

4. Test the Waters: CapitalTech would assist in creating and distributing a press release, landing page, and teaser to gauge investor interest in your project.

5. Structuring and Preparation: CapitalTech would help structure the financial model and the SEC offering documents required for the capital raise.

6. Capital Raise Oversight: CapitalTech would oversee the capital-raising process, ensuring all elements are aligned and executed effectively.

7.Posting the Offering: Once the Offering is ready, CapitalTech would post it as a Reg. D 506(c) offering on their website, making it available to accredited investors.

8. Tokenization and Blockchain: If desired, CapitalTech can assist in tokenizing the RSA and placing the tokens on a blockchain for liquidity.

9. Success Fee: When the capital raise is completed a work product fee will be paid at closing. Additionally, a tokenization fee would be paid to CapitalTech when the Offering is ready to be tokenized and placed on a blockchain.

10. Completion: Once the capital raise is completed, you would have successfully raised the funds needed for your project, and CapitalTech’s role as a quarterback would come to an end.

This approach allows you to leverage CapitalTech’s expertise and network with you being the Issuer and actively involved in the syndication process.