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About Us

CapitalTech specializes in serving a unique class of clients—specifically, entrepreneurs and businesses seeking innovative and flexible financing solutions. These clients often face challenges in accessing traditional forms of capital due to various reasons, including, unconventional business models, or unique funding needs.

CapitalTech’s approach revolves around offering Revenue Sharing Agreements (RSAs), which provide capital to clients in exchange for a share of their future revenues. This model aligns CapitalTech’s interests with those of its clients, as the repayment is tied to the client’s success. Additionally, CapitalTech focuses on mentoring and supporting minority- and women-owned subcontractors, aiming to foster diversity and inclusivity in the business world.

Through its platform, CapitalTech aims to streamline the financing process, making it more accessible and efficient for clients. By leveraging technology, such as blockchain and AI, CapitalTech enhances transparency, security, and efficiency, ensuring a seamless experience for both investors and clients.

Overall, CapitalTech’s client-centric approach, coupled with its innovative financing solutions and commitment to diversity, sets it apart in the financial services industry, making it a valuable partner for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to thrive in today’s dynamic market.

CapitalTech’s approach extends beyond just serving entrepreneurs and businesses; it also focuses on providing value to its investors. By offering innovative financing solutions like Revenue Sharing Agreements (RSAs), CapitalTech opens up new investment opportunities that may not be available through traditional avenues.

Investors benefit from CapitalTech’s platform in several ways. Firstly, RSAs offer a unique investment proposition, providing a direct link to the success of the businesses they invest in. This alignment of interests can lead to potentially higher returns compared to traditional debt or equity investments.

Secondly, CapitalTech’s platform enhances transparency and security through the use of blockchain and AI technologies. This gives investors greater confidence in their investments, knowing that they are backed by secure and reliable technology.

Overall, CapitalTech’s commitment to providing innovative financing solutions, coupled with its focus on transparency, security, and social responsibility, makes it an attractive option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and support businesses with high growth potential.

CapitalTech is a forward-thinking financial services company specializing in innovative funding solutions through the minting of Capital Tokens. These tokens are designed to facilitate business expansion by leveraging two primary financial instruments: revenue-sharing agreements and senior debt.

Business Model and Services:

  1. Capital Tokens: CapitalTech mints digital tokens known as Capital Tokens, which represent fractional ownership in the financial instruments issued by the company. These tokens provide investors with an opportunity to participate in the company’s revenue streams.

  2. Revenue Sharing Agreements: CapitalTech enters into agreements with businesses looking to expand. Instead of traditional equity or debt, these agreements allow businesses to repay the investment through a percentage of their future revenues. This model aligns the interests of the businesses and investors, as returns are directly tied to the company’s performance.

  3. Senior Debt: CapitalTech also originates senior debt financing, offering businesses a more traditional loan structure with priority repayment terms. This senior debt is collateralized by the business’s assets, ensuring a lower risk profile for investors.

Advantages for Businesses:

  • Flexible Financing: Businesses can access growth capital without diluting equity or incurring high leverage associated with traditional debt.
  • Aligned Interests: By linking payments to revenue, businesses, and investors share a common goal of driving growth and profitability.
  • Innovative Structure: The combination of revenue sharing and lower senior debt provides a balanced approach to funding, catering to various business needs and risk profiles.

Investor Benefits:

  • Diverse Opportunities: Investors can participate in a variety of projects and businesses, diversifying their portfolios through a single investment in Capital Tokens.
  • Transparency: The use of blockchain technology ensures transparent tracking of token transactions and revenue sharing.
  • Attractive Returns: With revenue sharing agreements investors have the potential for steady returns, driven by the underlying business performance .


CapitalTech stands at the forefront of financial innovation, offering a unique blend of revenue-sharing agreements and lower senior debt positions through its Capital Tokens. This approach not only provides businesses with the necessary capital for expansion but also offers investors a transparent way to earn returns. By aligning the interests of all parties involved, CapitalTech fosters a collaborative and growth-oriented financial ecosystem.

Mission Statement:

At CapitalTech our mission is to democratize access to capital, fostering economic empowerment, sustainable development, and self-determination. We recognize the historical barriers that small businesses have faced in securing financial resources, and we are committed to creating a more inclusive and equitable financial landscape.

Our Specialty:

Through innovative financial solutions, education, and strategic partnerships, we seek to break down systemic barriers and promote financial inclusion. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive economically, ensuring that the benefits of development are shared equitably among community members.

As stewards of this mission, we pledge to uphold the principles of environmental sustainability, cultural preservation, and social responsibility. We will work tirelessly to create a financial ecosystem that not only provides access to capital but also nurtures the long-term well-being and resilience of communities.

Together, with a commitment to collaboration, cultural sensitivity, and economic justice, we envision a future where all groups have equal access to capital, enabling them to build thriving economies, preserve their cultural heritage, and shape a more equitable world for generations to come.